Jessie Lilley
Buddy Barnett
Brad Linaweaver

November 2009     Web Edition     Issue #3

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Jerry making the SoCal canyons rock with one of his many
"modest talents". (Photo by Jessie Lilley 6-9-2007)


by Jerry Jewett

Brad Linaweaver was a friend, a mentor, and a great promoter of my modest talents. He and I both had circles of friends that dated to the 70s and our respective college years, then later circles that sprang from our adventurous times in Los Angeles.

I met him here in LA in 1991 or thereabouts, through sci-fi and libertarian friends. He was a frequent guest and occasional speaker at some libertarian supper clubs I attended, and later co-founded the Karl Hess Libertarian (non-Party) Supper Club along with SEKIII, Mike Everling, and J. Kent Hastings. We shared the same lodgings in an undisclosed location for a year or more, and used to visit Molly Malone’s on Friday nights to hear the Irish band that played there and enjoy single malt Scotches, though he was partial to Tullamore Dew, as well. We had some roaring good conversations and shared some laughs. Despite what other people might have experienced with me and drinking, he dubbed me “a happy drunk.”

He introduced me to H.P. Lovecraft and let me browse his entire collection. A bit of that goes a long way. I have never returned to it, though I acknowledge Lovecraft to be a gifted artisan at inspiring horror, fear and loathing at hideous things that should never see the light of day.

Despite nondescript scrivening in every decade starting in my teens, I never submitted anything to have it published in all my prior years, recognizing that writing is something talented people can do. But after I became enchanted by the movie Whale Rider, I began scribbling about it. And I let Brad in on those scribblings. I did numerous minor revisions in the course of three major ones. About the third major revision, he decided it would be a good piece to go into Mondo Cult. Voila!

Suddenly, I was a published writer. I got other things published in later print issues of MC and also some pieces with MC Online. I got published in some other venues, as well. I can now say with a straight face and physical evidence to prove it that I am a published writer. I think this would never have happened but for Bradford Swain Linaweaver. It was an incredible gift.

But that was like him: he was supportive, sometimes very enthusiastic, always alert and interested in developments, quite strictly principled on things that resonated with me, and generally a great all-around fellow. Life has lost some of its savor now that he is gone. The chance to call and chat about things or inquire of his latest doings has passed. I miss Brad.